Furgoni coibentati

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Insulated vans

  • Lorry for transport of food products

    Lorry for transport of food products

    Insulated lorry with refrigeration unit and split compartment for transport of food products at -20°C - Class FRCX.

  • Lorry for meat transport

    Lorry for meat transport

    Insulated vans with refrigeration unit and rails for transport of hanging carcasses at 0°C - Class FNAX.

  • Furgone trasporto carne

    Lorry for foodstuff transport

    Insulated lorry with refrigeration unit and split compartment for transport of food products at 0°C - Class FNAX.

  • Lorry for foodstuff transport

    Lorry for foodstuff transport

    Insulated lorry with refrigeration unit and split compartment for transport of food products at 0°C - Class FNAX.

  • Lorry for fish product  transport

    Lorry for fish product transport

    Insulated lorry with withholding edges for holding liquids and stainless steel tray for the transport of fish products at 0°C - class IN.

  • Lorry for fish product  transport

    Lorry for fish product transport

    Insulated lorry with withholding edges for holding liquids and stainless steel tray for the transport of fish products at 0°C - class IN.

  • Catering trucks

    Catering trucks

    Insulated catering trucks with refrigeration unit - transport temperatures 0°C to -20°C.

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Sortimo TIT Europe